Superfood Granola Crunch

We love granola in our family and we love making batches of it. I have a selection of favourite recipes we've used over the years and then it had me thinking that we've never actually made up on our recipe for granola.

So...... the girls and I developed this recipe by asking each member of our family what their favourite granola consisted of and came up with this. My husband simply requested oats as they fill him up until lunchtime, Helena picked up the jar of quineo flakes, Florence had her hands full of "these pretty pink dried things" (goji berries) because she said she didn't want to pick out any raisins (!), I insisted on seeds as I'm constently munching on these in school and of course some sort of dried flowers because I'm rather obsessed with edible flowers and we all decided dark chocolate was a must.

After a few recipe testing weekends, voila, we had the perfect recipe! 

To make our Superfood Granola Crunch:


  • 4oz gluten free oats
  • 4oz quineo flakes
  • 1oz sunflower seeds
  • 1oz hemp seeds
  • 1oz pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil (melted)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1oz chia seeds
  • 1oz cocoa nibs
  • 1 tsp bee pollen
  • 2oz goji berries 
  • 50g raw dark chocolate (melted)
  • a pinch of dried cornflowers 

Preheat the oven to 160 degree C. Mix together the oats, quineo flakes, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds in a large mixing bowl and bind together with the coconut oil. Place the mixture onto a baking tray and roast for 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on the oven as the mixture can burn very easily. 

Once the mixture is toasted, add the vanilla extract, the chia seeds, cocoa nibs, goji berries and bee pollen and mix it all together. Pour the mixture into a large enamel tin and spread it all out evenly. This next part is the bit that the girls love! Dollop the dark chocolate (Jackson Pollock style as Helena says) all over the top of the mixture and refrigerate until the chocolate has hardened. It will take about 2 hours. 

Divide the mixture into jam jars and get the children to write their own labels on each jar. Finally add a sprinkling of dried cornflowers to make it look so pretty. 

We love ours spread on toasted sourdough bread, spread thickly with almond butter, chopped bananas and blueberries for breakfast. We've also enjoyed it as a simple dessert with plain yoghurt and seasonal berries and we can't wait for strawberry season to begin because we think this would be delicious with a strawberry dipped in almond butter and then dipped into our granola crunch! Yummy!!!!

Vanessa x
